finals really bring out the best in me.
i'm always so happy to be alive.
i look like sunday morning ever morning.
and i am less likely to bitch people out.
there is a guy in the rr wearing crocs, a visor, a friendship bracelet (the kind you make with strings and knots) and a Mr. T sized ring.
but i'm being nice and not taking a photo of his misery bc finals makes me a better person.
and cuz i left my phone at home.
last night, my new hellokitty clock came in!!!!!! it is SO AWESOME! it is a cube, and it changes colors to green-blue-purple-pink-orange-red-yellow and then back to green, and it even has different alarm clock sound options. AND it reads the temperature (in celcius, but still sooooo coool!). it even has the date. it's basically the coolest thing in the universe. the instruction manual (yes i read the instruction manual) said its supposed to help your mood when you are stressed out. it totally works.
omg i can't wait to post a picture of it [left my phone at home! argh!] and share with with the whole world (at least everyone who matters in the world).
salamimami came yesterday too. we ate fancy cheese & our fancy black truffle salami & watertable crackers like important grown ups last night. then i went immediately to bed and woke up with a huge swollen face from the saltiness. i spent 20 minutes this morning trying to convince NC that my face is as big as the moon, and then NC spent 20 minutes this morning trying to convince me that i am crazy. we didn't leave the house til noon.
i love my life. my life is awesome. i wish every day was finals!!!!!
hahaha this entry is ridic cute. our lives are so good!!!!